
The majority of users begin researching products or services via a web search. Google alone handles over 60,000 searches per second. Factor in other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, and that represents a huge number of people, including potential customers for your business.

Magnifying glass.
  • Strategy
  • Content
  • Keywords
  • Traffic
  • Performance

As 75% of users do not go any further than the first page of results, ranking highly is vital. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help ensure that your website’s content and structure are optimally placed to rank well in search engines for a set of relevant searches.


A monitor showing Google Maps with an open Google Business account.

Local SEO

If your business has brick-and-mortar locations or serves customers within specific geographical areas, then you need to connect with potential customers who are searching for local companies like yours. Over 45% of all Google searches have local intent (searching for businesses within a city, or "near me"), and if your website is not optimized to take advantage, you could be losing the business of many genuine prospects.

National SEO

Aryosys' marketing experts understand the unique challenges of search engine visibility on a national level, and the huge undertaking it represents.

If your business offers its products or services nationwide (such as an e-commerce store or online services), it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd on a national level, competing with both local companies and large nationwide businesses. For businesses like this, national SEO can make the difference between showing for relevant searches and being completely invisible.

That's why we have developed a complete strategy for optimizing websites for non-local searches, leveraging a variety of distinct techniques that combine for proven results.

This coordinated approach can include inbound link acquisition, page content relevancy optimization, META data and structured data, keyword research and placement, and a detailed focus on user experience and website load times.

By combining all of these areas of expertise, we can ensure that the perfect combination of characteristics - relevance, authority, and fast loading times - come together to give your business its best chance to rank on a national level.

A woman adding SEO information to a product using the Magento back end.

Magento SEO

When we chose Magento, we pledged not only to master the implementation of e-commerce websites, but also everything that comes afterwards - including SEO.

If your business is in e-commerce, your revenue comes directly from online sales. This means that it's important for people to find your company and its products through search engines, as that is your primary means for attracting customers. If you operate solely online with no physical stores, you search engine presence is not just important - it's vital.

Aryosys designs and develops e-commerce websites using the Magento platform. Our expertise in Magento allows us to carry out all of the adjustments and optimizations necessary to boost your online store’s performance in organic search results.

The vast array of techniques we use include page audits (with duplicate removal and canonical tagging), sitemaps and exclusion of low-quality pages, URL optimization, redirects, content and META tag optimization, and structured data and rich snippets for category and product pages. We then marry these tasks with off-site strategies such as link building, review acquisition and product feeds through the Google Merchant Center.

By combining Magento-specific capabilities with our local or national SEO strategies and external methods, Aryosys can help your online Magento store to reach new customers, and new heights.

Drupal logo.

As well as a deep understanding of Drupal website development and theming, we have vast knowledge of how to configure Drupal websites for the best search engine performance, using a mixture of default functionality, the installation and setup of third-party SEO modules, and even the implementation of our own custom modules as required.

A man configuring SEO through the Drupal backend.

Drupal is one of the world’s leading content management systems, so it's not surprising that the platform is geared towards SEO out of the box. However, if you want to make the most out of Drupal’s capabilities and help your corporate website to reach its search engine ranking potential, it has to be configured using all available means, which can be a daunting task.

Our Drupal experts apply their comprehensive knowledge of the platform in a wide variety of ways to optimize the SEO of your website. By configuring or automating components such as clean URLs and redirects, META tags, sitemaps, reducing page load times and ensuring security, optimizing content, keyword analysis, and a host of other techniques, Aryosys can give your Drupal website the boost it needs to perform in search engines and let your audience find you easily.